PRIMOŠTEN e-bike tours
iBike centar – Mala Raduča 5 Primošten – CROATIA
mail : [email protected]
phone : 0038598792462
Are you looking for an adventure on two wheels? Join us and get to know hidden parts of the Primošten region.
Pick the perfect tour: conquer mountain peaks, enjoy a gastronomic trip, take a wine cellar tour, or swim in hidden coves. Our trips are tailor-made and designed to delight you. The only thing that matters is that the pedals are turning. No trail is out of reach for our new CUBE electric bikes, even if the last time you rode a bike was in elementary school 🙂 So here we go ……
About the destination:
Primošten is a famous tourist destination, characterised by Mediterranean architecture and known for its beautiful beaches and crystal clear sea. Whether you are looking for a hotel, a secluded holiday home, an apartment, or a campsite pitch, you are sure to find the accommodation you have long been waiting for in Primošten.
In the city centre, there are many local restaurants, where you can discover authentic food and customs. It is less known that in the Primosten hinterland there are over 20 villages and settlements connected by macadam roads that pass through olive groves and vineyards. Numerous agrotourism farms and wineries have opened their doors to hikers and nature lovers. Bucavac vineyards, where famous Babić wines grow, together with the family votive chapels, beautiful viewpoints, hidden beaches, and coves are a must-see. Thanks to the mild Mediterranean climate we can cycle all year round.
About the tours:
The tours are basically designed to last as long as the bike battery lasts, which depends on the biker’s riding style and the difficulty of the route itself. Usually, it is a 4-6 hours long tour with an average distance of 30-40 km. The routes shown on the maps are not 100 % accurate , because they were created so that you can get an idea of the area and the difficulty of the terrain.
In fact, we offer you a very special, personalized programme, with routes and climbs to ride, that we have designed for you and with you.
It is also possible to change the route during the trip, if no other services have been booked (wine tasting, lunch …).
Take advantage of our experience and local knowledge and join us for a ride.
Upustite se u avanturu na dva kotača i upoznajte dio Primoštena za koji niste znali da postoji. Izaberite savršeni izlet, osvajanje planinskih vrhova, gastro izlet, obilazak vinarija ili kupanje u skrivenim uvalama i to sve u skladu s vašim zahtjevima. Nudimo vam unaprijed isplanirane izlete ili planiramo izlet po vašim željama. Jedino je bitno da se okreću pedale. Naravno, s novim CUBE električnim biciklima nijedna staza neće biti nedostižna čak i ako ste zadnji put bicikl vozili u osnovnoj školi 🙂 Pa krenimo na izlet……
O destinaciji:
Primošten je danas popularno turističko odredište, karakteristične je mediteranske arhitekture i poznat po prekrasnim plažama te kristalno čistom moru. Uz hotel i nekoliko kampova, obiluje apartmanima i sobama u privatnom smještaju. U centru se nalaze brojni restorani i ugostiteljski objekti koji nude sve što je turistima potrebno. Manje je poznato da u bližem zaleđu mjesta postoji preko 2o sela i naselja međusobno povezanih makadamskim putevima koji prolaze kroz maslinike i vinograde. Brojni agroturizmi i vinarije posljednjih su godina otvorili svoja vrata te svojom ponudom privlače za sve ljubitelja prirode a posebno cikloturizma. Nezaobilazni su i poznati vinogradi Primoštenskog Babića Bucavac, brojne obiteljske zavjetne kapelice, vidikovci, te skrivene plaže i uvale. Blaga Mediteranska klima dopušta nam da na biciklu uživamo tokom cijele godine.
O izletima:
Izleti su u pravilu zamišljeni da traju onoliko koliko traje baterija na biciklima, što naravno ovisi i o fizičkoj spremi pojedinog biciklista, stilu vožnje ali i težini same staze. Optimalni su izleti u dužini 30 – 40 km i trajanju 4 – 6 h. Okvirno su prikazani na mapama ali nisu 100% točni te im je svrha samo pobliže opisati destinaciju da bi se gosti mogli orijentirati. Napominjemo da se svi detalji dogovaraju neposredno prije starta i prilagođavaju svakoj grupi posebno. Također, tokom same vožnje moguće su korekcije rute ( ukoliko nije unaprijed rezervirano jelo, degustacija vina i sl. )