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Četvrtak, 01.08. na plažu Mala Raduča po prvi put nam dolazi u goste zagrebački reggae – dancehall band ONE DREAD.
Svirka počinje u 21h
Domaćin događaja je naš poznati i svsetrani mužikant Mr.Ivan Perkovič.
Vidimo se na plaži. Svi da ste došli!!!
One Dread je zagrebački bend koji obradama reggae-roots-dancehall hitova uvijek napravi atmosferu za pamćenje. Bend je predvođen TNT (Tena, Nika i Tea) vokal sekcijom koja troglasno hoda, misli i pjeva. Ritam sekciju čine Marko na basu, Matej na perkusijama i Antun na bubnjevima, uz Ivana na kljavama i Gorana na gitari pružaju vam jedno vanserijsko reggae iskustvo.
Bend ima svoju dugu povijest i iskustvo nastupa po raznim mjestima diljem EU, od najmanjih i najintimnijih klubova, pa sve do velikih festivala i svirki na otvorenom (Seasplash, Overjam, Špancirfest, Weekend Block Party…). Njihovi coveri uključuju hitove velikana poput: Bob Marleya, Black Uhuru, Steel Pulse, Third World, Inner Circle, Musical Youth, Albrosieja, Peter Tosha, i mnogih drugih. U bendu ih ima 8, ali zvuče i dišu kao jedan. Ako još niste čuli za One Dread, vrijeme je da se to promijeni.
********One Dread is a roots-reggae-dancehall cover band from Zagreb, Croatia. Three lead vocal singers – Tena, Nika, and Tea compose the TNT vocal section whilst the rhythm section is consisted of Marko pon di bass, Antun on the drums and Matej
on percussions, also with Ivan on the keyboards and Goran on the guitar, jamming on that thin line between roots rock reggae and similar genres. One Dread stirs your imagination and provides an ˝out-of-this-world˝ reggae experience. The band has a long history of playing inside Croatia and outside of it, mostly EU. They have played on many festivals (Seasplash festival, Overjam festival, Weekend Block Party, Špancir fest, etc.) and open concerts and in small, intimate pubs and clubs. Their covers are colored with character and attitude, and every gig they play, they make you want to move your dancing feet, listening to timeless hits of Black Uhuru,
Steel Pulse, Third World, Inner Circle, Musical Youth, Alborosie, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, and many others. The band counts 8 members who breathe and sound like one. If you still haven´t
heard about One Dread, this is your opportunity to change that.a href=”https://www.primostenplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/FB_IMG_1564480471127.jpg”>